The Duck and The Lake
Another one from the fed-up-with-studying early morning photoshoot.
[Update] Here's a 1920x1280 version for those of you wanting it in high-res.
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Wow..... the greenery looks AMAZING!!
P.S. what does MRS stand for?
P.P.S. Nice addition in the commenting system... you're on a roll.... ;)
Seriously man, the campus is amazing.
8:43am, 20th Oct'06
Thanks a lot people!
what does MRS stand for?
Monash Residential Services.
Nice addition in the commenting system
Since people from atleast six different timezones visit my blog I figured it'd make much more sense to show the relative time :).
11:51am, 20th Oct'06
just the kind of place where one could sit by the whole day.. and not feel the need to move away.. the amazing greenry and its reflection..too good! :)
captured it beautifully indeed... :)

Can you post the 1920x1200 version here? All I could find was 1024x768 on flickr.
4:17am, 21st Oct'06
Thanks a lot Rashmi :). Wish you a wonderful year too and hope your Diwali is better than what mine was.
1:53am, 22nd Oct'06
Sumedh said..
Mate, I think it should be cognitively brought to your notice, that, YOU LIVE IN PARADISE!
2:48am, 20th Oct'06Man!How I wish I had such a nice stress buster close by... :(