Blue all around!
Introducing LinkedList – add life to your blogrolls. Would've posted earlier but getting the LinkedList site together took longer than expected. Thanks a lot Rashmi for your precious feedback, Rohit Nag for helping me test it and Varenya for going through the website.
Four days to WWDC, ten days to my first exam and 43 days to the Deathly Hallows.
Markdown yes yes, HTML no no.
- *italic*, **bold**
> Quote
- [link](http://prateekrungta.com "Rungta's")
† E-mail is required for summoning your gravatar image.

The position of the two ducks and the two helicopters has also come out brilliant, beautiful, lol.
7:17am, 7th Jun'07
Anytime. My pleasure. :)
Nice pic.. Where'd you take it from?
43 days..hmm enough time to re-read all the books twice atleast. ;)
And Good luck with your exams!

huh... rashmi gets a thanks... and bloody i sit down in middle of an exam to test ur code and nothing for me!!!.... wat d hell is dat!! how incosiderate r u!! fine!!
the pic sucks!!

Woops. Sorry about that Nag. I'd forgotten about that earlier testing you'd done. Updated my post. Hope you'll forgive the error!
4:26pm, 7th Jun'07
You're right Tarun, locations are very important!
This one was shot at Albert Park.

Ah yes Rashmi, the 'humanity check'. Forgot to mention that in my post. Its a necessary evil since I'd started getting spam on my blog! Anyway, I wanted to do something different rather than make you type random letters so this is what I came up with.
9:20pm, 7th Jun'07
Wooho, like this thing so much better than the captchas.
Nice pic too.
Hmmm no one counting hours yet for HP DH?
The linked list system is very impressive. Nice work, lets see if we can spread this around? Do other scripts similar in utility exist? Though I think that you overdid the page, it seems too bling bling.
Wordpress would not let me put it up though. It hates java script.

I think that you overdid the page, it seems too bling bling.
Ah...I was scared about the same thing - overdoing it. Glad you pointed out - will see what I can remove.
As for similar scripts, I doubt it although you can never know for sure with these things.
Hmmm no one counting hours yet for HP DH?
My dashboard widget is!
1:39am, 8th Jun'07
Yup, check it out here .
Am going to get the widget as soon as my friend sends me my battery and the charger for the MBP from Dubai (Long story)

Yeah that's the page I visited before posting my comment.
Your MBP's battery and charger in Dubai and you in India...can imagine its a long story!

Photo is great as usual, so is LinkedList.
Ah, Google Feeds API. Never bothered to look at it before. Came in front of my eyes so many times but I just ignored it.
Wordpress doesn't hate javascript, it actually loves it. You need to host it on your own server to add any code though.
There are no such restrictions on blogger(even if there were any restrictions, they would still have allowed the feeds API).

I used your spam prevention method on revieware a few months ago. Mine technique was somehow flawed. I gave users math problems like 2 + 2 = _. Somehow the spam just managed to come through.
Still better would be to use the PHP to image engine to prevent bots from reading text. They aren't yet smart to handle images.

I use a little help from Javascript as well in preventing spam but I'm definitely not saying that my system is completely fool proof. I haven't been getting any spam since I did put it in place though. If the bots become cleverer and get around my system then there's always the image CAPTCHA (like the one you mentioned) to fall back to.
5:36am, 8th Jun'07
The regular image captcha isn't fool proof. But using your method with images instead of text will definitely be extremely fool proof.
3:56pm, 8th Jun'07
Yeah I know it isn't absolutely fool proof. I was reading about it at CMU's captcha research site – was interesting.
5:18pm, 8th Jun'07
Pretty picture! All your pics which include specifically the sky and/or water are amongst my favorites.
11:17pm, 8th Jun'07
Thanks! Water is definitely one of my favourite subjects and the sky isn't far behind either although I feel I've got a lot more to learn about capturing the heavens.
Btw Anchal, you haven't updated in a while... I enjoy your posts too!

nice picture. both similar and dissimilar to the different skyline pictures eg the new york skyline
5:29am, 10th Jun'07i love this one!!
2:39am, 12th Jun'07
'sourima7' - Not that I have a problem with 7 but you do know that by 'name' I don't mean your username / email id right?
5:42am, 12th Jun'07
Tarun said..
Beautiful pic prateek, really captured the tranquility and serenity which shows in the pic, dude u have improved a lot and also ur locations(another imp. factor).
7:15am, 7th Jun'07