I Bled It Out
Like I’ve been telling whomever I can, I’ve got a practical, a presentation, an assignment and an exam to get through by Thursday evening. So I decided to go and watch Linkin Park rock Rod Laver Arena here at Melbourne (and rock they did).
Of course I would’ve preferred posting photos from the concert rather than the back of a tee I bought but trust me, my cellphone’s camera sucks big time. So, content yourself with a strip of scaled down blurred images.
Update: Found a video of the (totally awesome) opening.
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Really was a rocking concert. Screwed up my throat with all the screaming and chanting!
2:02pm, 15th Oct'07
Screwed up my throat with all the screaming and chanting!
Yeah, me too. I was taken aback when I heard my voice this morning because it was so different.
4:48pm, 15th Oct'07
Oh wow. Unfortunately there aren't many rock concerts in Delhi. All bands prefer to perform in Bangalore and Mumbai. I wonder why…The last one I went for a Bryan Adams concert 2 years back.
7:23pm, 16th Oct'07
Unfortunately there aren't many rock concerts in Delhi.
I remember reading something about the main factors for this being the laws of NCR and inconvenient venues.
Must have been a great show… How far were you from the stage?
It sure as hell was! (Check out the video.) I was on the lower level (not the floor) and towards the back. All this because I didn't have a credit card, so could only buy the tickets about 4 hours after they went on sale.
4:31pm, 17th Oct'07
I heard Chester broke his wrist during the second or fourth song of monday's concert. After he was checked up he came back and continued the show like nothing happened.
I looked up the forum on their official website and sure enough got a confirmation. Check it out here: http://forums.linkinpark.com/showthread.php?t=4161

Lucky Lucky ass! Keeping things in secrecy and what not! :( well the opening looked totally awesome!
9:05pm, 20th Oct'07
Aditya Anand said..
How I wish LP came here. Though I must not complain, bands regularly keep coming here and I am yet to go to them
4:15am, 15th Oct'07