Summer Remnants
An autumn sunset over the Melbourne suburbs, as viewed from Morton Street, Clayton.
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The thing that makes this picture shine for me is that it captures so many different colours of the day all in one shot.
If you scroll slowly from the bottom of the picture above to the top, you may see what i mean.
1:57am, 22nd Apr'10
the picture makes me sad…but its beautiful..I wonder how you do this with those fingers and that lens of yours..
2:29pm, 5th May'10
Sometimes when you look at some images, you just want to be in that moment, at that place and see for yourself, the beauty of nature just as beautifully as it has been captured. This is definitely one of those.
4:55pm, 18th Jun'10
Capturing this from a car would’ve been something. Took this standing atop a (thankfully) stationary chair on the terrace.
10:12pm, 8th Apr'11
Rashmi said..
This is a pretty sight captured at the golden hour. Nice to see your camera out and about in Melbourne again. :)
11:01am, 18th Apr'10