Canon EOS 300D | 18.0mm | 1/320s | f/11.0 | ISO 200 | Flash Off

The spring of leaves
Another one from the motherland. Shot this on the walk down from the temple of गोलू बाबा in Bhowali.
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love the bareness of the tree.. and how its standing against all the other trees right behind, reaching high..
3:35am, 21st Apr'07
mmm... beautiful...
and varenya u do know dat u looklike a bandar in ur gravatar, dnt u? :D

Nice pic... nicely captured that in the same terrain the lonely tree with the "spring" of leaves with the background of the green trees... and clear blue sky to reach up for... :)
10:04pm, 27th Apr'07
Varenya said..
Golu baba ki jai!!! Tang, Tang, Tang!!!
12:28am, 21st Apr'07