Mornington Peninsula
I know the sun is a little screwed up/over exposed but it still looks good to me. Not as good as being there on that not–so–easily–accessible beach though. That was a different experience altogether.
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Since when did you start using slang to describe your photos.
It looks rather good like you said.
Why not give a description of what goes on in your mind when you capture these shots. I'm sure readers of your photo blog will be interested in knowing.
Heh, reminds me of my recent trip to Half Moon Bay.
5:37pm, 11th Sep'07
Since when did you start using slang to describe your photos.
I never took care not to use slang. I just wrote what came to mind when I thought of a 'description'.
As for what goes on in my mind when I capture the photos, I don't really remember. What I mean is I just shoot what I think looks beautiful (or might look beautiful if captured in a certain way), and my mind is busy figuring out the right angle, framing etc. for the shot.
Rashmi said..
It sure seems like one of those not–so–easily–accessibe beaches. Cause it sure looks inhabited, clean and awesome. It's great you got to it. The pics are just awesome.
3:28am, 5th Sep'07