On the edge
Inspired by this shot from the “Mountains” episode of Planet Earth. Taken at the Australian Grand Canyon, Grampians.
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The Grampians aren’t called the ‘Australian Grand Canyon’. There’s a canyon inside Grampians National Park which is named ‘Grand Canyon’, and that’s where I took these two photos.
1:07am, 18th Apr'08
Well, name or not, it’s Grand all right! Superb! P.S. Dude, come up with some new anti-spam questions now… :D
2:20am, 18th Apr'08
Grampians, grampians.. Now I wish I toured Australia.
PS: Sumedh is right, but who am I to comment? I am lazier than most :P Have you thought about some cookie system where people with the same id and email which has been authenticated be readily allowed?
6:13pm, 18th Apr'08
Have you thought about some cookie system where people with the same id and email which has been authenticated be readily allowed?
No, but brilliant suggestion Aditya! Oh and its hard coming up with questions which are fun and yet easily answerable.
10:32pm, 18th Apr'08
Pretty good shot with a great composition ,I’d say.I am a photography enthusiast myself but I’ve just begun and know preety much nothing yet. A nice blog you have here but the maroon text is barely visible on the dark background so you might wanna change that.
5:40pm, 30th Apr'08
Anil said..
Looks exactly like that planet earth picture..nicely done! By the way, are the Grampians really called the ‘Australian Grand Canyon’ or did you come up with that?
12:47am, 18th Apr'08