Melbourne’s first Apple Store!
I finally got to attend an Apple Store opening, and what a great experience it was! More photos over at flickr. Unfortunately, I forgot to increase the ISO from my previous shoot in all the excitement so the photos didn’t come out as good as they could have.
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Classy shot of the Air banner. The angle and expanse is quite appealing.
Photograph below is good too and would’ve been even better if focussed on the Air with the guy’s hand (or, if the guy had placed his hand on the foremost Air)
3:01pm, 15th Sep'08
Photograph below is good too and would’ve been even better if focussed on the Air with the guy’s hand (or, if the guy had placed his hand on the foremost Air)
Yup. You almost expect the hand to be on the foremost Air at first glance. Then the eye notices the depth of field.
4:58pm, 5th Oct'08
Varenya said..
I knew this was coming. Was so sure you’ll post this…
10:36pm, 14th Sep'08