I’m a web designer and I help build the web. I love my job, absolutely and utterly.
Jon Tangerine puts this a lot more eloquently.
The Music Project is a series of video portraits, documenting independent music in the country.
An excellent project by Tehelka.
The indie music scene in India is gathering momentum every day, but much of the music is still very hard to come across. Initiatives such as this and NH7 are doing a great job at bridging this gap between the artists and the listeners. Great not just because their work supports upcoming musicians and gives shape to a new culture, but also because of the quality, care and taste with which this work is carried out.
With The Music Project for instance, Tehelka has done a really nice job of selecting a diverse and interesting group of bands & individual artists, but they have done an equally good job with the production itself. Intimate, patiently shot video sessions, very high quality sound recordings and just enough art direction — all set in various eccentric urban spaces across contemporary India. And they have uploaded and shared these episodes on YouTube for us to enjoy (in high-definition, no less).
Pity then how all of this goodness goes largely unnoticed on a Facebook page. My only gripe. Yes that platform is popular, but it is not the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
Ah well. Not-realising-the-internet’s-tremendous-potential rant aside, this really is a wonderful project. Go listen to some new music.