iBook, once again
Not much to say. All I hope for is that the next 2 weeks don't go bad.
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thanks rashmi.
and rungta dnt think anyone would take dat snap better. really cool!!. all d best buddy.

Nice shot...but don't think this is the first one..i guess you had some like these when it came home the first time!!
3:42am, 25th Mar'06
No Varenya, this isn't one of them that I'd clicked when Rohit's iBook had arrived. This one was clicked during Nag's recent trip.
3:45am, 25th Mar'06Nice angle. You could do wonders with a little photoshop-ing.
4:21am, 27th Mar'06
Didn't get what you were trying to hint there Abhishek, other than your reference to use Photoshop.
4:25am, 27th Mar'06
Very nice pictures. The ' After showers' pic has been wonderfully done. No points for getting what my desktop wallpaper is !
umm....That 'getting' was supposed to be ' guessing'.
8:25pm, 4th Apr'06
Nice view. But looks like a normal apple keyboard from this angle. And best of luck
8:56pm, 4th Apr'06
Thanks Renee and Souvik.
Renee: If you want the hi-res one just drop by your e-mail address and required resolution.
Souvik, if you haven't seen the latest episode of Lost - 'Lockdown', you should go jump in the well cause its one of the best ones this season.
Rashmi said..
Ah the beauty of an iBook... the pic looks really nice.. too good an angle!
8:16am, 24th Mar'06All the very best for the next two weeks! I'm sure you won't need any luck.. don't you worry :) And if I may, all the very best to the iBook owner too.My prayers are with you'll..