Devoted in Devotion
Another one from the archives, and another one from my trip to Rishikesh. I'm afraid posts will be very irregular for the next few weeks.
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nice pic...immense clarity...guess ull be devoted deeply to studies for a month or so now...best of luck!!!
4:52am, 7th Mar'06
Didn't recognise this as Rishikesh. Is this the same place where you have to enter through a small market in between?
The content of this pic is really good.

Yup, it is that same place. You first cross the river over a shaky and narrow suspension bridge and then the market.
5:04am, 9th Mar'06Thought so. But it looks neatened up!
12:22pm, 9th Mar'06
I don't know which of the following is better:
1. Rungta
2. Rungta's Camera
Best of luck for your imtehaan

Hope you get to go there...soon :). Its a brilliant place, and quite unlike other sacred destinations in India, this one is a lot less crowded and much more cleaner, although they can work a bit more on that last aspect.
10:45pm, 11th Mar'06
Rashmi said..
Another from the archives, and yet another wonderful shot. Like the way you've captured this one, from the pandit to the buildings at the back to the hills and the sky, all in one. How small we are in this big world...
5:12am, 5th Mar'06Wishing you all the very best in your studies.