Kimi Räikkönen was always too fast for me and my camera...
...well almost always! ;) More about the Grand Prix will follow.
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so tru! u r a lucky bastard...first ...d gold coast trip and now d grand prix !!!!!!! ( seems like now i have to agree to reema's proposal for d trip to ur super cool continent!!!!!)
2:42am, 19th Mar'07ohkie...i dunt knw wt made me mention d gold coast ...i meant d great ocean!!! uh!!! hate my memory!!!!!!!!
2:47am, 19th Mar'07
Lucky you!! Ooo... The RED!! (and the white and i guess the not so yellow) And it's great how you got this shot and how you go it... Awesome!
4:05am, 19th Mar'07
Lucky Lucky bastard...
@Akanksha: You should definitely come and then we can make 'd Gold coast trip' too!
@Rashmi: I got how I got this shot but I didn't get the 'how you go it'..aargh too confusing.
the pics came out really well man...lookin forward to seeing the rest!
5:26pm, 19th Mar'07
Coool. I guess I would finally go to see the Bahrain GP or if the one in Abu Dhabi comes early here....
2:12pm, 21st Mar'07
The Bahrain Grand Prix is on the 15th of April Aditya. I don't think there is any other Grand Prix in the gulf.
5:12pm, 21st Mar'07
Varenya said..
Lucky Lucky bastard...
11:48pm, 18th Mar'07