Definitely the most scenic road I've ever driven on!
The road I'm talking about is the one I clicked this picture from. I took this during our (Arihant, Aditya, Rishabh and myself) drive to the Great Ocean Road this Saturday. The title obviously implies more photos from the Australian coast of the Southern Ocean are in the pipeline.
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awesome pic.... and for the record for everyone... that idea of having an ice-cream dere was mine... so Rashmi i am gonna steal that ice-cream of yours...
3:18am, 11th Mar'07
Amazing...my jaw just touched my keyboard!
Akshit, I think this is your first comment here. It's not ironic I guess that it's related to driving!

Ahh...Look at that! Well you're not getting any of my ice cream Nag.. you can have your own if you wish... :P
7:39am, 11th Mar'07
I'll get 2 ice creams for each one of you Nag and Rashmi if you come down here.
@Akshit: Yes bro, I did finally drive in Australia and had a great time doing so!
@Varenya: Yup its no surprise that 'driving' drove him to make his first comment.
@Anchal: The sea and the sky were definitely stunning. I did literally no post-processing on this photo.
Rashmi said..
Awesome!! Damn cool! I want to come there! And have ice cream.... :P Awesome colours.....!! Now go ahead tell the story..... we're listening....
1:33am, 11th Mar'07