Back to the future
With exactly a month remaining for the release, I pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at the Chadstone Shopping Center (pictured above) today. Strangely enough, the urge to get my hands on Book 7 has been increasing exponentially since the time I pre-ordered. The wait is killing me and I hope I had a time turner or something to go 'back' to the future, 21st July 9:00am EST specifically.
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Thanks Aditya. The star of the photo is the sun (pun not intended).
Yea I took WOMBAT III. Planning to start my re-re-read once I'm done with my last exam on Monday.

Ah. The Harry Potter paranoi returns!
Beautiful pic there, mate. If only it was Davy and not David...
(sad reminiscences from PoC) :(

I wish I could also have a time turner..but unfortunately they got smashed in the department of mysteries. Nice picture. :)
5:38pm, 25th Jun'07
Thanks Sumedh, Varenya and Vega.
Yes Bavani, (to quote Narziss) "The Harry Potter paranoi returns!"

Yay! your exams over!! You can start re-re reading/listening to HP now!
As for the pic Lovely cloudy sky with the peeping sunlight.. the building compliments the sky pretty well in this shot.

This time i m upset coz' me being a slow reader .... nd being in hostel will come to know the end nd imp happenings before myself voyaging the entire book ....
nd nice pic Rungta .....

Thanks Tarun. If I were you then I'd probably stay home a day longer to finish the book before going back to the hostel. You can finish the book in 3 days right?
1:56am, 1st Jul'07
Aditya said..
That is a nice picture. The clouds- which appear dark at one end and lighter at the other along-with the building and with those straight lines make it a very nice photo.
10:28pm, 21st Jun'07Tell me about the the HP wait, did you take the WOMBAT III? Have already started re-reading so that I can re-re-read.