The Vanishing Pier
Up close. Know variously as the broken bridge, the broken pier and the vanishing pier [of Thalankuppam], this abandoned structure is probably the most cherished treasure of Ennore.
New photoblogs have been popping up all over: Kriti’s Vignettes, Varenya’s नेत्राय, Nidhi’s Alive & Kicking, and the Delhi vs Bangalore project. Check them out.
And in case you’ve managed to miss this on Twitter and RSS, I made a little photo project myself. Instagraphy, Volume 1 – a collection of photos shot, processed and shared via Instagram on my iPhone 3GS.
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Ooh nice photos, the top one especially - makes me feel I’m going to be submerged any second XD Thanks for the mention! :)
8:10pm, 2nd May'11
That’s a very interesting shot. Who’d have though of going under the pier? Also, thanks for mentioning Alive
7:56pm, 3rd May'11
Interesting reactions to this one. Dunno about gods and temples, but standing under that pier with the waves crashing in every few seconds can definitely be filed under ‘spiritual experiences’.
Like a stairway to the sea…
3:29am, 6th May'11
Rashmi said..
Man-god, walking on water and everything.
Impressive, shot!
Love the tones.
11:08am, 29th Apr'11