Raunchy new TV series for mature audiences that just completed its first season (12 episodes). It may not cater to everyone’s tastes (or so I have discovered) but I enjoyed it. Long wait for season 2 though.
I wouldn’t call it great, but it did have its moments. Good for one-time viewing. A sequel’s on its way.
Turns out I was right in suspecting the numbers reported by Times of India.
Reliance Industries moved swiftly on Tuesday to deny a report that company chief Mukesh Ambani has become the world’s richest man thanks to a surge in stock market.
Of course they didn’t find it necessary to mention that the report in question originated, as far as I could track, from the Times of India group of publications.
I wouldn’t swear by numbers reported in a ToI article, but man it feels good to read that an Indian is the richest man in the world.
The most anticipated review of a Mac OS X release — John Siracusa’s on Ars Technica — is now up. A must read for any self–respecting Mac geek.
[Edit: The last sentence was originally ‘A must read for anyone who calls himself a geek.’]
With his on-track intensity and off-track charm, Hamilton has set Formula One racing on fire this season.
Indeed. Can’t wait to see how the next season unfolds and how the no–longer–a–rookie Hamilton performs.
The biggest race it was supposed to be, the biggest race it was. Seven points behind the leader Lewis Hamilton before the race and the winner of the season opener closed the season the same way. What a race it was!
Get set for the biggest (and the last) Formula 1 race of the 2007 season.
Google needs Apple on that team for its financial power, its sense of the market, and to keep Steve Jobs in a known position so he doesn’t make any trouble. But I’m also sure Steve is questioning the strategy on a daily basis and twice a month threatening to pull out of the consortium of bidders Google has assembled.
However, I still find the idea of a Google Phone hard to digest. (Via Elsewhere.subtraction.com)
While listing the great iPhone features that can be made use of:
No other handheld consumer device is always on. Laptops go to sleep, as do DS Lites. Always on means that if we write social software, our iPhone can find other iPhones to talk to for us based on some criteria, and then notify us as it finds matches. Welcome to the REAL social, bitches.
I simply love this guy’s style of writing.
Star Wars, Harry Potter, all the same. No? (Via Daring Fireball)
That puts an end to the ‘will Alonso move over to Ferrari’ speculation. Räikkönen’s current contract lasts through the 2009 season.
Another one to add to the list of opinions on orkut that I’d published earlier. (Via Abhishek)
The documentary (or global warning, as the poster says) that Al Gore shared this year’s Noble Peace prize for, just in case you haven’t seen it, or worse, haven’t heard about it yet.
All they want is the chance to know what it is like to sit on a plane, listen to announcements and be waited on by stewardesses bustling up and down the aisle.
वह कहावत है ना, “इट हैपेन्स अोन्ली इन इन्डिया!” (via kottke.org)
Battery Update 1.3 seems to have caused more problems that it solved. Since I’ve updated, my MacBook Pro shuts down (without a warning) when the battery has 50% charge remaining and my charger light starts flickering between orange and green when the battery charges up to around 92%–93%. I hope Apple issues a fix soon.
Only Microsoft could possibly see a big panel of buttons and think “this must be what our customers want”.
Go Microsoft!
The concept of SahulTime is similar to GoogleEarth, except that SahulTime extends each of GoogleEarth’s paradigms through a further dimension in time.
Created by Matthew Coller, my ‘Website Authoring’ lecturer.
Hi-Res Terran and Protoss gameplay videos. They’re huge downloads (around 650 MB) but definitely worth watching. Can’t wait for the game to be released.
Video simulations of 24–hour flight patterns across the United States.
Nifty little (highly customizable) tool which display’s the currently playing iTunes song’s lyrics on your Desktop. (Via Macworld)
[JJB] ...if you hit “show scope” you sometimes see 4 or 5 levels of scope — for example SQL strings in PHP are scoped as SQL and are highlighted accordingly, but if you have a PHP variable in there, that’s scoped properly too — it’s just gorgeous. It’s a very sophisticated interaction one has with a text document. When you’re programming you know that the text has all this meaning. When you become a programmer, and as you become a better and better programmer, you become more aware of the different levels of meaning in a text document, and I think TextMate really brings that out.
[AO] And the more TextMate knows about your document, the more functionality you can actually hook up to it. For example commenting stuff– no matter which context you are in the commenting stuff will always do the right thing, as long as TextMate understands which context it’s in.
I absolutely love these particular TextMate features. The shortcuts stay the same, the bundles adapt their functionality according to the current scope.
Very insightful read about the development of TextMate. Allan also discusses some of the features he’s planning for the Leopard–only TextMate 2. (Via the TM Blog)
On a much more serious note, some striking, disturbing and truly unforgettable photos. Makes me wonder what must’ve been going on through the minds of the photographers when they were capturing these moments. (Via kottke.org)
Oldie but goodie.