Torture at its best - Entrances and Exams
Thankfully I don't have to give the chemistry exam for the next entrance or I would have surely gone mad!
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the halliday-resnick book is used for 1st year physics for engineers at my university.
1:12am, 23rd Apr'05
Whether u had to give Chem or not,Yes..... u r already Mad,u dunt need 2 become One again.
& yes...i ve heard no chem ent exam turning ppl MAD...hehehe

i agree chem is madenning, especially organic! thank god i dont have any entrance to take.. but its kinda boring with nuthing to crib abt with studies nw.. hw ironic isnt it? well all the best for all the oncoming entrances.. tho brains like u dont need luck ;)
1:43am, 24th Apr'05
Bavani - If a mad person called me mad, I wouldn't object.
Rashmi - I do need all the luck I can get.

Ugh. Physics. Quite possibly my worst subject in high school. Good thing I went on to become a writer.
3:46am, 30th Apr'05
manisha said..
which is your next exam?
11:12pm, 22nd Apr'05