Ironically enough, the pollution is what makes the photo look good!
The above was taken in the same location as this one, and from the same place, which is the terrace of my Nana's house at Bokaro. Look at both the photos and you'll see how apparent the celestial shift of the sun is, even though both the photos were taken near the Summer solstice (June 21st).
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Whoa! That's quite a shift I must say. Well I guess a month makes a difference in the position of the sun. Probably by June 21st it'd be in the same position. But this is a wonderful shot! Like how the industrial side is in a haze behind the smoke. And the sky line looks awesome. Good capture!
8:10pm, 29th May'06
Ahh...the black smoke," they are coming, you have three choices run, hide, or die!!!"
P.S. well clicked and well written...
I would never have thought of taking a photo like that. Somehow I feel that smoke doesn't fit into the pic properly. Did you try using the flash? Sometimes results are quite unexpected(good actually).
2:44pm, 30th May'06
awesome , rungta !!

Did you ever think (at the time of clicking the photo) that the smoke will make your shot look beautiful??
7:22pm, 1st Jun'06
Yes Souvik, the situation is what made me frame the photo, and the smoke was a prime factor.
And Abhishek, I doubt using a flash would've made a difference as the subjects are too far.
My mistake...maybe at a higher ISO then?
2:04pm, 3rd Jun'06
Yes a higher ISO would've made a difference although I didn't experiment while taking this one as I was busy enjoying the terrace party we were having at that time.
5:15am, 29th Oct'06
Sanchit Mathur said..
Really love this one .. for several reasons..
6:24pm, 29th May'06.... reflection of sun.. sharp line in clouds above the sun..
Its a fantastic shot...