If only that Merc would've been in focus.
Good old Souvik दादा has come up with an excellent wallpaper for all you folks out there using Windows XP and has been kind enough to let me distribute it here [1200x800].
P.S. – Enetation hasn’t been all that nice lately.
Markdown yes yes, HTML no no.
- *italic*, **bold**
> Quote
- [link](http://prateekrungta.com "Rungta's")
† E-mail is required for summoning your gravatar image.
All that nice? I tried posting my comment SEVEN times atleast, on the last post, yet couldn't do it.
Needless to say, both of them look real cool. Hey what about a similar image with maybe the motion of the cars,or the city as such showing up blurred?

You know, if you add a motion blur just to those cars, this pic would look really cool.
Having comments appear on the same page and without popups is really the ideal way it should be. This is nice.
Haven't yet experienced any problems with Enetation. I hope I dont have to.

You know I'd actually planned to add a motion blur, but I was too excited about getting the last bugs of this commenting system sorted out and ready that I didn't spend time with editing the picture. Shall try to capture one of them in motion next time I'm in the city.
10:33pm, 29th Sep'06
These comments are displayed as peek-a-boo comments like in blogger, but it works only after the page has fully loaded into the browser cache. Till then, the comments are visible without us doing anything.
12:29pm, 30th Sep'06
it works only after the page has fully loaded..
Yes Abhishek, I'm aware of that. Initially, if you would open the page with a # pointing anywhere within the comments div, it wouldn't work if the comments div was in the "display: none" state. To overcome that, display defaults to inline now and the div is closed by Javascript if it does not have a # in its address "on load". I know its not the most elegant way of doing it, but that's what I could come up with. If you can think of a better/some other solution, would love to know about it.
3:34pm, 30th Sep'06
I came up with a better way which detects the # much faster and acts instantly.
Now, although you won't be able to see the comments while the page is loading, the concept is still the same and I maintain that its not the most elegant solution.

oh kool..... the fact that the commenting is happening as soon as i press comment. nice and sleek. but u know the automatic filling when i write the homepage, instead to completing my homepage it wanna complete it by the email id. i mean llike in the homepage space, if i type rohit, its coompleting it as my email id not with the name of my homepage. hope u get wat i'm trying to say.
7:33pm, 30th Sep'06
Yes I get what you're saying. First of all, its not something controlled by my blog. Its done by your browser.
instead to completing my homepage it wanna complete it by the email id.
The reason its suggesting your email instead of your homepage is probably because you'd have entered your e-mail instead of your homepage in some webpage which had an input tag with the name "homepage".
9:30pm, 30th Sep'06
Bloody Good!! (Am back in the Brit land) Really needed this commenting format change... The past few posts... enetation wasn't too good to me either....
Really cool pic too...
P.S. You know what else is bloody good... Airport has detected my friends neighbours wireless network.. and i'm using it now!! ;) Who asked them not to keep a password :P

nice commenting system mate!! I had a real tough time trying to post comments in your last few posts... but my tries were unsuccessful.
Anyways, thats a really lovely pic.

I think you should give a few more breaks after the comment button since the text after the button is overlapping on the button(Firefox).
3:04pm, 1st Oct'06
Ah..see that's what happens when you're lazy and don't test the design on Windows. No worries, shall install it today and make the necessary corrections. Thanks for pointing it out though.
4:14pm, 1st Oct'06
dudeeee!!!...brilliant...nice commenting look :)...and ya i think the pic wud look better with the car eithe rin focus or the motion blurred way..nonetheless...its gud...
7:19pm, 2nd Oct'06
Thanks a lot all of you!
As for your Gravatar, you've got to enter your email address Sumit. I'm gonna enter yours manually for the last two comments but do it yourself next time!
Skaran said..
Ooh, is this Rungta's own commenting system? Looks fabulous. 10/10.
5:25pm, 29th Sep'06