Melbourne at Night
What a week its been. Assignments, movies and sleep! The worst part however was that I couldn't get hold of 'The Glass Ballerina' for almost a day since it'd aired.
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Assignments and sleep together? Didn't get that. I thought they have an inverse relation. Is your campus within the main city ? Picture great as always.
9:45pm, 16th Oct'06
You can sat that again! Assignments, movies and sleep!!! That's the same exact thing going on with me. Well Lost is getting as mysterious as ever, which is always great. Hope you watched it finally. Another thing that looks just great is this pic. Excellent angle! and beautiful place.
P.S. Is the rivers name Yarra?

hey RUUUNGTA m'boy! how have you been?? loooong time.....since we had a talk or any sort of communication. hows everythiing maan??
PS - LOST is getting better and better. Season 3 is off to a brilliant start. Life has just got better since october the 4th. :P
and yes... great Pic man.
and do lemme know whether u still play dota nowadays. :)

Isn't it tough carrying your camera wherever you go?
I carry it only when I'm going somewhere with the motive of clicking pictures.
Assignments and sleep together?
Yup, they have an inverse relation and that's why I went from no sleep to only sleep on Friday after submitting my assignment.
Is the rivers name Yarra?
It is :).
@Arjun: Hey man. Yup been a long time. I'm doing great out here. How about you? Life did just get better since 5th out here ;). No, haven't played dota since I came here :(.

hey, no aknoledgements to the host....?
not good yaa.....
rest ... amazing pic...
gr8 impression in water..

Thanks a lot guys!
no aknoledgements to the host....?
My apologies Arihant. You're a great host!
9:22am, 19th Oct'06ah thats a pity. we were looking for a dota clan member and i thot u will fit well as our 5th. :P. anyway dya have any yahoo id.
12:08am, 20th Oct'06
Nag said..
looks beautiful. and awesome reflection on water. where did u take the pic from? i mean it looks like u are standing on an elevated platform.
10:31am, 16th Oct'06