Canon EOS 300D | 22.0mm | 1/3200s | f/3.5 | ISO 100 | Flash Off

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First Reaction: O-M-G! … It’s beautiful!
The water seems so calm… the clam before the storm. Waiting for it to be put on flickr for the high-res pic.
8:40am, 7th Dec'08Magnificent shot! Nature’s elements vs Man is well contrasted in this.
10:00am, 8th Dec'08
Looks almost like the shadows of trees on grass.
Yet it’s probably 100 times the scale. Like Rakesh said,
Nature’s elements vs Man is well contrasted in this.
The tiny plane puts things into perspective.
9:33pm, 8th Dec'08
Abhishek said..
Excellent photo. I just cannot describe that shadow you’ve captured. I think that’s the best part of the photograph. Looks almost like the shadows of trees on grass. Wow. Wow. Really nice.
I have a similar photograph blown up at home that my dad took in ice-covered Switzerland on his no-autofocus Nikon F301 more than 20 years back that has the same effect as this photo.
4:45am, 7th Dec'08