There's always hope...
Just when I was thinking it wasn't possible for these to look better, I lit them and switched off the lights. Darkness increases their beauty, exponentially! What an irony that only after there's darkness does light gain value, like most things in life. Only when we lose it do we realise how lucky we were to have our freedom. I'm glad I've realised how lucky I am, thanks a lot Niyati!
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oops sorry... STARS
4:57am, 8th Oct'05r u an ex-dipsite?
4:59am, 8th Oct'05
absolutely lovely... and the picture too.. the same kind of realisation has hit me in a diff way.. its a really nice way of putting it.
11:06pm, 8th Oct'05sweet my cousin hits ur photoblog
11:37pm, 11th Oct'05
awesome dude. as good as any. but dude y did u get those candles anyways. is it only to take the pics????

All yout blog pictures are very beautiful and meaningful. Keep it up!!
Are these "those candles" which you were never going to light up or some others?
6:42pm, 15th Oct'05
waitin for my comment....naughty boy. sorry for not commenting for all these days as i was busy trying out for a gal called sonam..... amit told me that shes of ur cast.. any way the pic is kool....even my gal is ... hehehehhe
2:56am, 19th Oct'05
aditi said..
agree wid u man!
4:56am, 8th Oct'05only when it is dark enough, you can see the starts!