No, he doesn't work for DHL
Looks like my photoblog is cursed to have just one post in June, everytime! The only reason for that is no access to the internet as I'm back to Base (read Chakulia) every June. Anyways, June was over 13 days ago and so will my days in India be. Now that I'm so close to finally starting college, I just can't wait to get to Monash.
Loads of events have taken place between my last post and this one. The FIFA Worldcup came and was full of events, Rohit Nag came over to Chakulia, myself and the said Nag met Sourima at Kolkata and people have just lost it over Orkut!
This, by the way, is my Mamu with his 12" PowerBook in his office.
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I've luckily been getting speeds around 30 kilobits/s on my Airtel GPRS these days. That's how I was able to post this one.
7:26pm, 14th Jul'06Hahaha. Nothing can keep our Rungta away from the 'net for too long. Cool picture. I thought it was an iBook at first, but I thought there was something a bit off about the colour. What does he think of the PowerBook? And Rungta, are you going to wait till September for the Merom laptops?
8:24pm, 14th Jul'06
He's had the PowerBook for almost 2 years now and he's not a person who keeps things he doesn't like for 2 years ;).
1:45am, 15th Jul'06
Haha nice, I didn't know that the Apple logo glowed so brightly in a powerbook, never seen one actually. & the reflection on the table is great. Kisi na kisi tarah se rungta ne post kar hi diya!!
2:46pm, 15th Jul'06
Lord hail airtel, Duniya ke kone kone mein internet!!! Wah wah! As always nice snap, nice reflection and nice mama oops mamu...hehe. Also, it was out this world funny to see a comment from 'Runga' I guess we have a new name for you, what say Rishi?
2:33pm, 16th Jul'06
Hey Runga! Atlast I comment... Nothing can stop you.. can it....Using your cell to connect to the net...haha.. Ingenious! :) Well another thing thats amazing is the pic, wonderful capture.. love the reflection part.. not to mention the powerbook :)
And can't agree more with you and Varenya about people losing it over Orkut! Everyday inevitablly theres mail from there...
Well the final countdown I guess begins now.. counting down the days for your depature to 'down under'.. Have a wonderful journey! :)

RUNGA RUNGA RUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol.... its like if u make the T in ur name movable..... u can have Trunga and rungaT also!!!
2:50am, 17th Jul'06
Thanks!!!! :D

Sooooorrry Rungat.... ooops... RungTa..... 0:)
LOL!!(See Nag..I told you he'd get bugged ;) )

God forbid the day I spell my name wrong... coz I know you won't let me live that day down....
9:53pm, 17th Jul'06
but true Rashmi.... god forbid the day u spell ur name wrong!!!!!
but "rungaT" is pretty common for him now... i used to call him dat often and ya as u said.... suits him quite well!!!!
Yo RungTa (Just being careful :), nice to see your Mamu using a Mac. It gives a sort of a strange satisfaction to see someone who's been successfully converted ;)
3:23pm, 26th Jul'06Why does the PowerBook look more like a MacBook or iBook to me?
3:03am, 9th Oct'06
Nag said..
well.... wat can i say... given the fact that i was present at the photoshoot and already accepting dat the photograph was really cool. and anyways how did u get to post this one?
6:32pm, 14th Jul'06