In the wild
Quite an eventful two days. Yesterday I released my first piece of software for Mac OS X - the ICC 2007 Scorecard Dashboard Widget. Do give it a shot if you're using (or have access to) a computer running Mac OS 10.4.3 or above and let me know what you think about it.
The other event was the unveiling of the cover art of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the seventh and final book which goes on sale on the 21st July later this year.
The above picture was shot on the mountain that we named Chintumanjaro during my Bhowali trip last December.
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I wish I could use your widget...
The photo is cool as ever, and chintu rocked! It was worth giving my jacket away!

Thanks Nag and Varenya. I feel sad for your jacket but yeah it was definitely worth it!
1:12pm, 29th Mar'07i love d pic below....love d way u've focused on the bed of tiny growths against the giant trees behind!
3:06am, 1st Apr'07
The one below would've come out even better if only I would've managed to take the pic without the blurred ones in front.
3:35am, 1st Apr'07
As compared to the water of the next pic.. the driness is captured really well here.... and the one standing out from thee rest.. really nice....
Waiting wating patiently for Harry Potter... And an excellent work with the Widget...!! Its awesome! A true Ingenious at work :)
Nag said..
ur widget is really kool dude... and wat can i say about 'Deathly Hallows'... other than i cant wait to have it in my hands.
2:48am, 29th Mar'07quite a capture dude... and i like the two pics u put... first the one... and the the one among many others